Hi Max,
This sounds like a good thing.
Another solution to the result-document issue might be to implement the
XQuery 3.1 transform function [1]

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions-31/#func-transform

On 3 August 2015 at 20:54, Max Goltzsche <max.goltzs...@algorythm.de> wrote:

> Hello Vincent,
> besides an URI resolver I also want to set XSLT 2.0's output destination
> in BaseX.
> Currently as you can see in BaseX' xslt:transform and xslt:transform-text
> implementation in
> https://github.com/BaseXdb/basex/blob/master/basex-core/src/main/java/org/basex/query/func/xslt/XsltTransform.java
> there is neither an URIResolver or OutputURIResolver set on the Transformer
> nor a destination systemId set on its StreamResult. Thus Saxon resolves
> output paths relative to your Java process' working directory (in fact all
> relative XSL include, import, document and collection paths in the XSLT
> passed to the transform method).
> Unfortunately to change this behaviour the XsltTransform class must be
> enhanced.
> If you need a quicker* solution for your problem you may have to build
> your own BaseX transform Java Module based on the XsltTransform class
> setting at least the StreamResult's systemId I think.
> I will be also working on this the next evenings.
> best regards,
> Max
> On 03.08.2015 20:54, Lizzi, Vincent wrote:
> I’m trying to use the XSLT Module in BaseX 8.2.3 with Saxon 9.6 to run an
> XSLT that produces several output documents using xsl:result-document. I’m
> having trouble setting the location of the output documents. I want to have
> xsl:result-document create the output documents in a temporary folder
> because the documents need to be zipped together.
> According to Saxon’s documentation, the a relative path in the href
> attribute of xsl:result-document will be resolved using either the path of
> the Destination, or the current directory. The XSLT Module does not appear
> have a way to provide a path for a destination document.  What I’m seeing
> is that the result documents are created in BaseX’s home directory. The
> XSLT works as expected when run using Saxon from the command line, where
> it’s possible to set a destination path.
> Is there a way to specify a Base Output URI to the XSLT Module? Or, would
> it be possible to specify a file URI output location to a method like
> xslt:transform?
> One possible workaround is to provide an absolute path as a parameter to
> the XSLT, and use that parameter in the xsl:result-document href location.
> Here is a self-contained example code:
> declare function local:example($in, $xsl, $zipPath) {
>   let $tempDir := file:create-temp-dir('test', 'example')
>   let $x := xslt:transform-text($in, $xsl)
>   return
>     let $zip := archive:create-from($tempDir)
>     return (
>       file:write-binary($zipPath, $zip)
>       (: , file:delete($tempDir, true()) :)
>     )
> };
> let $xsl := <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=
> "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
> <http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform> xmlns:xs=
> "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>
> version="2.0">
>     <xsl:template match="/">
>         <xsl:result-document href="doc1.xml">
>             <test>this is a test 1 <xsl:apply-templates/></test>
>         </xsl:result-document>
>         <xsl:result-document href="doc2.xml">
>             <test>this is a test 2 <xsl:apply-templates/></test>
>         </xsl:result-document>
>     </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> let $doc := <test>this is input</test>
> let $zipPath := 'report.zip'
> return local:example($doc, $xsl, $zipPath)
> The expected output is a zip file report.zip that contains doc1.xml and
> doc2.xml.
> However, what I’m seeing is that report.zip is created as an empty zip
> file and doc1.xml and doc2.xml are placed in BaseX’s home directory.
> Thanks,
> Vincent

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