Hello Eliot,

interesting question, we are tackling the problem ourself at the moment.
I created a BaseX docker HTTP image and we might want to include it in
streamline BaseX repo in some point in the future. You can find the repo
at https://github.com/dirkk/docker-basexhttp

For now, the docker image seems to work fine in one of our commercial
projects, where it is also used in conjunction with lots of other
(micro) services.
But if there are any Docker experts on our mailing list, I would be
happy for feedback or improvements, as we are also quite new to Docker
and I am not at all a Docker expert...


On 08/05/2015 03:15 PM, Eliot Kimber wrote:
> As part of my DITA For Small Teams project we're setting up a set of
> coordinated Docker containers to manage the various components (git
> server, Jenkins server, BaseX server). We're setting up our own custom
> containers so that they are appropriately pre-configured.
> In the case of BaseX that means configured with the DFST Web app and
> supporting modules, configuration details, etc.
> Just curious if anyone has experience putting BaseX in a container and if
> there's anything we should look out for or anything we can contribute back
> out of this effort.
> Cheers,
> E.
> ----
> Eliot Kimber, Owner
> Contrext, LLC
> http://contrext.com

Dirk Kirsten, BaseX GmbH, http://basexgmbh.de
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