
I would be having 100s of databases, with each database having 100 XML
documents. I want to devise an algorithm, where given a part of XML file
name, i want to know which database(s) contains it, or null if document is
not currently present in any database. Based on that, add current document
into the database. This is to always maintain latest version of a document
in DB, and remove the older version, while adding newer version.

So far, only way I could come up with is:

for $db in all-databases:
      open $db
      $fileNames = list $db
            for eachFileName in $fileNames:
                   if $eachFileName.contains(sub-xml filename):
                            add to ret-list-db

return ret-list-db

Above algorithm, seems highly inefficient, Is there any indexing, which can
be done ? Do you suggest, for each document insert, I should maintain a
separate XML document, which lists each file inserted etc.

Once, i get hold of above list of db, I would be eventually deleting that
file and inserting a latest version of that file(which would have same
sub-xml file name). So, constant updating of this external document also
seems painful (Map be ?).

Also, would it be faster, using XQUERY script files, thru java code, or
using Java API for such operations ?

How do you all deal with such operations ?

- Mansi

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