
I forward a message I sent a few days ago which apparently did not receive any 
answer. I am trying to open a collection of files where some of them contain 
character entity references like – which are not declared in the document 
and so make basex crash if I use collection()

If I use file:read-text for each file I can open them, but if I then put this 
functioni in file:write, the saved text will show &lt; &gt; instead of < and >: 

Moreover, if I create a database from the GUI and select the option "skip 
corrupt", the database is created. However if I follow instruction here 
In order to add single files to a db using db:add and precede the query with 
declare option db:skipcorrupt 'true', the files are not added because  I get an 
error message due to the not well-formed xml (which means that the declaration 
at the beginning of the query is not read). I have tried to declare other db 
options in the same way (ie in the prolog of a script) but they seem not be 


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