Hi Kendall,

One popular approach is to maintain an additional metadata.xml
document, which contains all metadata for the documents stored in a
database. Here is a simple example for maintaining a timestamp:

* Creation:

  db:create('db', <meta/>, 'metadata.xml')

* Insertion:

  let $path := 'new-doc.xml'
  let $doc := <xml/>
  let $meta := element doc {
    attribute path { $path },
    element timestamp { current-dateTime() }
  return (
   db:add('db', $doc, $path),
   insert node $meta into db:open('db', 'metadata.xml')/meta

* Retrieval:

  let $path := 'new-doc.xml'
  return db:open('db', 'metadata.xml')/meta/doc[@path = $path]

* Deletion:

  let $path := 'new-doc.xml'
  return (
    db:delete('db', $path),
    delete node db:open('db', 'metadata.xml')/meta/doc[@path = $path]


On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 8:28 PM, Kendall Shaw <kendall.s...@workday.com> wrote:
> Unless there is now a standard way to associate metadata with documents and
> collections, is there a preferred method?
> I could try to ensure that there is always a unique id that can be derived
> from combination of an id attribute or element in the document + the
> document’s document uri, then have separate metadata documents that are
> associated with the unique id. Is there an obviously better approach?
> Kendall

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