Hi Constantine,

> for $a in (db:open('DB1')/item/order-id)
> return
>   if (db:open('DB2')//order-id[. = $a]) then
>     $a
>   else
>     ()

Do some of the order-id elements contain descendant elements?


If yes, the following query might be faster:

  for $a in (db:open('DB1')/item/order-id)
    if (db:open('DB2')//order-id[text() = $a]) then

Here is another way to rewrite the query:

  for $a in (db:open('DB1')/item/order-id)
  where db:open('DB2')//order-id[text() = $a]
  return $a

> Note that the optimized query uses db:open-pre to access DB2. When I
> re-write the query myself to use the TEXT index then performance is
> excellent. But why such a difference?
> Query 2 [returns in 0.3 second]
> ----------------------------------------
> for $a in (db:open('DB1')/item/order-id)
> return
>   if (db:text('DB2', $a)/parent::order-id) then
>     $a
>   else
>    ()
> ________________________________
> Elsevier B.V. Registered Office: Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The
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