Dear all

My name is Bram Vanroy, and I am an intern at the Centre for Computational
Linguistics (CCL; [Dutch]) at the
University of Leuven. My supervisor, Vincent Vandeghinste, has had contact
with this mailing list some time ago, more specifically with Dirk Kirsten.
My intership is titled "Fine-tuning the GrETEL Treebank Query Engine".
GrETEL stands for Greedy Extraction of Trees for Empirical Linguistics;
available at Its goal is to
provide users with a fast, user-friendly on-line tool to search through text
corpora backed by treebanks. Accessibility is an important point for us:
users do not need to be proficient with any programming languages, strict
formalisms, or treebank specific annotations; every query can be executed by
using an intuitive graphical interface. More advanced users can use XPath to
write the representation of the syntactic structure that they are looking
for. BaseX is our tool of choice as a database for our corpora in XML

Initially, GrETEL provided access to smaller corpora such as CGN (9 million
words) and Lassy Small (1 million words). We would like to expand the
searchable corpora by also making the full Sonar corpus available (500
million words). This is already partially possible in GrETEL 2.0 but due to
efficiency reasons, capabilities are restricted: users can only search in
one component at a time, and the largest component in the corpus is not
available due to its size (15 million sentences). We have applied these
restrictions because the search time for the whole corpus was too long,
which in turn would decrease the user-friendliness of the tool drastically.

Steps have already been taken to improve search times in larger corpora.
(See "Making a Large Treebank Searchable Online. The SoNaR Case." by Vincent
Vandeghinste, and Liesbeth Augustinus;
To spare you the effort to go through the whole article, I hereby quote the
most relevant citation from that article for this email:


The general idea behind our approach is to restrict the search space by
splitting up the data in many small databases, allowing for faster retrieval
of syntactic structures. We organise the data in databases that contain all
bottom-up subtrees for which the two top levels (i.e. the root and its
children) adhere to the same syntactic pattern. When querying the database
for certain syntactic constructions, we know on which databases we have to
apply the XPath query which would otherwise have to be applied on the whole
data set. We have called this method GrETEL Indexing (GrInd). (p. 17)


So to optimise searching, the data has been pulled apart - in a sense -
which would make the search space smaller and subsequently the search time
shorter. In the future we would like to apply this technique on parallel
corpora as well. We have not tested yet what influence this change has made
to query time which is what I am going to find out during my internship. I
have already analysed the XPath queries that users have made since GrETEL
saw its first user and found that the queries are ten embedded levels deep
at the most, but most are between one and five. The amount of nodes per
query varies between one and 24, but most searches are for structures that
contain between one and eight nodes. Based on this information, I am writing
example XPaths that I am going to pull through BaseX as a sort of benchmark.
I can then compare the query speeds between the split-up corpus, and the
regular one. The problem that I have encountered is that BaseX seems to
cache very efficiently. Obviously this is not a problem on production
websites but for benchmarking it may not be ideal. My first question to you,
then, is: is it possible to disable caching when testing queries locally?
And how exactly does BaseX handle the caching? Or more specifically, if I
enter a query: what is cached, and for how long? This information me be
useful to analyse our logs with.


If you have any feedback on GrETEL, or the new approach of GrInding, or if
you have any ideas to improve search time for large corpora - I would love
to hear from you, you can contact me via this email address or on LinkedIn.
I reply to each email as extensively as possible.



Thank you in advance,

Kind regards


Bram Vanroy

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