>>>>> Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com>:

Hi Christian, thanks!

> If you want to know the number of child elements from the root
> elements, you could run a simple XPath expression via the input bar
> [2] or editor panel [3] after opening the database:

>   count(/*/*)

That only gives me the total number of child elements of the document
elements, I think...?

(The result was 14 in this case).

I have a document with a structure like this

And what I'm actually looking for in this case, is a list of the top
level element names ("A" and "B" in my example) together with a count of
their children.

I have tried to google up examples of XQuery expressions to do this
today, but I haven't had any success in creating the desired results.

> As an alternative, you can first use the visualization to select the
> initial nodes, filter it (using the funnel icon in the upper right
> corner of the window) and then run the simple query * to see the
> number of results in the upper right corner.

Hm... I selected a second level element in the Map, filtered it, and
typed "select *" in the command window, and the upper right corner shows
"0 Results".

> Does this help?

It's a step on the way. Thanks! :-)

> Do you have some basic experience with XPath or XQuery?

No experience with XQuery prior to today, but a fair amount of XSLT
experience (which implies familiarity with XPath) back in 2000-2005 or
thereabouts.  But it's been a while.

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