In a function intended to be called from the REST interface, I have code
whose essential expression is

   db:add('my-db', doc(''), 'foo.xml')

I was surprised at first that this requires CREATE permission rather than
just WRITE permission, but eventually realized that the CREATE is 
needed not by the db:add() function but by the doc() function.

It's not important for my current needs (I can run the query under a userid
with CREATE permissions), but in the interests of knowledge I wonder:  
Is there a way to load a document from the Web that does not require
CREATE permission?  

(And before anyone asks:  yes, I could PUT the new document, if I
could figure out how to do that from PHP, and if performing the 
necessary sanity checks were as easy in PHP as it is in XQuery.  But
neither of those is true at the moment; the first may change, but the 
second is not ever going to change:  given the choice, I'd rather do
any work possible in XQuery rather than PHP.)


Michael Sperberg-McQueen

* C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Black Mesa Technologies LLC

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