Hi Graydon,

This might give you faster results (provided that it does the same as
your function, I’m not 100% sure…):

  declare function local:realPos(
    $current as element(table:table-cell)
  ) as xs:integer {
    let $cells := $current/preceding-sibling::table:table-cell
    let $repeated := $cells/@table:number-columns-repeated
    return count($cells) + 1 + sum($repeated) - count($repeated)

Some general hinta: It’s recommendable to bind expressions to
variables if they will be accessed more than once. Next, fn:path is
pretty expensive indeed (I guess you’ve already noticed that by
yourself anyway). Finally, if type definitions in function signatures
are speficied as strictly as possible, you will get better error
messages, and it helps others to understand the code (is it correct
that your function will always be called with elements named

Hope this helps,

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 9:47 PM, Graydon Saunders <graydon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all --
> So in Open Document Spreadsheets, columns with empty cells may be collapsed:
> <table:table-row table:style-name="ro2">
>      <table:table-cell table:number-columns-repeated="3"
> table:style-name="ce454" />
>      <table:table-cell table:style-name="ce255" />
>      <table:table-cell table:style-name="ce255" office:value-type="string">
>       <text:p>label</text:p>
>      </table:table-cell>
>      <table:table-cell table:style-name="ce255" office:value-type="string">
>       <text:p>description</text:p>
>      </table:table-cell>
>      <table:table-cell table:number-columns-repeated="4"
> table:style-name="ce455" />
>     </table:table-row>
> Not all of the rows have have these collapsed empty cells; in some rows, all
> the cells are present because they've got values in them.  And while I
> wouldn't care in the example row, sometimes more than one table:table-cell
> represents a collapsed column in a position I care about.
> All the labels are in column D and all the descriptions in column E (in
> spreadsheet terms), whether all the table:cell elements are present in the
> XML representation of the sheet or not, and I need to reliably find them so
> as to be able to convince myself that the XSLT transform is getting correct
> answers.  (The spreadsheet is about 40 MiB; not so much by recent list
> standards, but still more than I can hope to read. :)
> declare function local:realPos($current as node())
> as xs:integer
> {
>  (: the horror, the horror :)
>  xs:integer(path($current) ! tokenize(.,'/')[last()] !
> replace(.,'.*\[(\p{Nd}+)\]','$1') ! xs:integer(
> .)
>   +
> sum($current/preceding-sibling::table:table-cell/@table:number-columns-repeated)
>   -
> count($current/preceding-sibling::table:table-cell/@table:number-columns-repeated)
> )
> };
> works, in the sense of "will get the cell corresponding to the intended
> spreadsheet column even when some of the columns have been collapsed with
> @table:number-columns-repeated".
> It's horribly slow and it hurts just to look at, though, so -- is there a
> better way?
> (The XSLT transform pre-processes all the collapsed table:table-cell
> elements back into place, among other tidying.  I'm not at all sure that's a
> better way with XQuery.)
> Thanks!
> Graydon

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