PS, out of interest: How did you solve the URI problem with Saxon?

On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 1:55 PM, George Sofianos <> wrote:
>> You’ll indeed need to remove the location specifier in your main
>> module; after that, it should work (see our documentation for more
>> details).
> I understand. However, this won't do for my use case. Let's say
> hypothetically I have about 500 modules, most of them library and some of
> them main modules. All of them are in the same directory, and some of them
> share the same namespace. Most of the library modules also import other
> library modules, so I will have to manually remove all location specifiers
> from every file. Also currently, most of the same scripts can also work with
> Saxon without any changes, but if I remove the specifiers this will probably
> make Saxon stop working. So I guess I will have to use base-uri for now.

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