
Any reason why the deault semantics for map:merge in 8.6 changed in a
backwards incompatible manner? Is this because of some XQuery/XPath
spec thing? A while ago I switched to 8.6-SNAPSHOT just to be on the
latest and greatest and I starting seeing weird things in my code.
Initially I didn't bother to look at the docs as I didn't expect
map:merge to have changed. At some point I even thought map:merge was
broken in this snapshot. I often use map:merge for handling function
options and I add the defaults first and then user options. With 8.6
this default behaviour has changed and I would have to switch this
around or explicitly ask for 'use-last'. I can do but only by adding
map { 'duplicates': 'use-last' }. This means I will have code <= 8.5
and I need to have different code for > 8.5.
Was this intentional? If not then I would vote for re-instating
default behaviour (use-last).


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