Did you try to use file:write-text() and file:append-text(), and
address the result later on?

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 12:47 PM, Marco Lettere <m.lett...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> back with some results....
> We have been able to stream the data from mysql into a string representation
> of the expected CSV rewriting the functions like this:
> declare function j:csv-export($table as xs:string) {
>     let $connection := sql:connect(conf:get("jdbc.url"),
> conf:get("jdbc.user"), conf:get("jdbc.pass"))
>     let $tmp-file := string-join(('"id","name","timestamp","value"',
>              sql:execute($connection, "SELECT * FROM " || $table || $where)
> ! (out:nl() || j:to-cvs-row(.))))
>     return ($tmp-file, sql:close($connection))
> };
> declare function j:to-cvs-row($sql-result as node()) {
> $sql-result/sql:column[lower-case(@name)="id"]/string() ||
> conf:get("csv.sep") ||
>         '"' || $sql-result/sql:column[lower-case(@name)="name"]/string() ||
> '"' || conf:get("csv.sep") ||
>         '"' ||
> $sql-result/sql:column[lower-case(@name)="timestamp"]/string() || '"' ||
> conf:get("csv.sep") ||
>         '"' || $sql-result/sql:column[lower-case(@name)="value"]/string() ||
> '"'
> };
> Now, since we have to export actually three or four tables from the rdbms
> into a zip archive, the only bottleneck that remains is that still the whole
> string for each csv has to be kept in memory before zipping it to the
> archive together with some small metadata.
> We use something like the following code:
> let $metadata-entry := <archive:entry
> last-modified='{current-dateTime()}'compression-level='8'>metadata.json</archive:entry>
> let $table-entry := $tables ! <archive:entry
> last-modified='{current-dateTime()}' compression-level='8'>{ . ||
> ".csv"}</archive:entry>
> let $table-data := $tables ! ji:csv-export(.)
> return archive:create(($metadata-entry, $table-entries),
> (serialize($metadata), $table-data)))
> Are there suggestions to keep the very effective "streaming behaviour" also
> while adding the entries to the zip archive?
> Thanks a lot!
> Marco.
> On 11/11/2016 16:11, Christian Grün wrote:
>> Thanks! This looks like a blocker:
>>>      <csv>{
>>>          $sql-results !
>>>              <record>
>>> <id>{./sql:column[lower-case(@name)="id"]/string()}</id>
>>> <name>{./sql:column[lower-case(@name)="name"]/string()}</name>
>>> <timestamps>{./sql:column[lower-case(@name)="timestamp"]/string()}</timestamps>
>>> <value>{./sql:column[lower-case(@name)="value"]/string()}</value>
>>>              </record>
>>>          }
>>>      </csv>
>>> };
>> As you are wrapping a root element around all results, everything
>> needs to be cached in main memory and thus prevents streaming.

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