Hi all,

Happy new year btw!

I got bitten by something and can't explain this behaviour.

So the situation is that I have an XML file on the file system in F:/tmp/foo.xml

I also have this file imported into a database named "foo" (and the
path "/foo.xml".

Now in the GUI (and on 8.5.3) I have the following.

When I have the database closed in the GUI

    base-uri(doc('F:/tmp/foo.xml')) => file:///F:/tmp/foo.xml

And when I open the database "foo" from the GUI

    base-uri(doc('F:/tmp/foo.xml')) => /foo/foo.xml

Is that right? Also db:* functions also get a database node from the
latter and return a node-id for example.

When the foo.xml is moved to another filesystem directory then this
doesn't happen so it appears as if this happens only when I try to
read the file from the original import location.

Shouldn't these two situations have the same result?


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