I use   - non-breakable space a lot. It's used widely in French.

I wanted:

‌ - ‌
‍ - ‍

I've had clients who have asked for the thin space in the past &#8201... I
nicely told them 'no'.

I've resolved my joiner issue with an alternate solution for now. But if
you are opening up the can of worms, and it's not much more work, why not
implement all the space and joiner entities   to ‍?



On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 4:34 AM, Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com>

> Hi France,
> In the database, all Unicode characters will be stored in their
> standard (decoded) representation. As a result, it is not possible to
> preserve entities from an original document. For XML serialization via
> WebDAV, we have one special rule for converting non-breaking spaces
> (xA0) to entities. Which other Unicode characters would you like to
> have converted to entities?
> Cheers,
> Christian
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 7:45 PM, France Baril
> <france.ba...@architextus.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > When I serialize content to HTML5, I lose some entities.
> >
> > xquery: adds '&#8205;' in front of some content and outputs html
> > html: should have '&zwj;', but doesn't. I've tried with 8204 and even the
> > half space 8201.
> >
> > The only special space that seems to work is &#160;, but it won't do for
> > what I need right now.
> >
> > Code sample:
> >
> > let $target-table :=
> >       copy $copy := $base-table
> >       modify(
> >          for $td in $copy//tr/td[position()=$column-to-filter-by]
> >          let $new-value := ('&#8205;', for $node in $td/node() return
> $node)
> >          return replace value of node $td with $new-value
> >       )
> >       return $copy
> >
> > return
> >       $target-table
> >
> >
> > Is there any way to solve this?
> >
> >
> > --
> > France Baril
> > Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect
> > france.ba...@architextus.com

France Baril
Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect

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