This is probably an extremely newbie-ish question. I'm developing on localhost 
using MAMP/PHP at port 8888, and basex at port 8984. So I am running into 
"Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" issues, apparently, when I have the PHP server 
issue an XMLHttpRequest to the Basex server.
I would have thought that this line in my REST GET function

%rest:header-param("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "http://localhost:8888";)

in my *.xqm file would have solved the problem. Instead, I'm getting this error:

400 (Stopped at /Users/shunting/basex/webapp/restxq.xqm, 395/14: 
[bxerr:BASX0003] Invalid path template: "http://localhost:8888";.)

I'm stymied because I don't see how a URL could match a path template in the 
first place. Is the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" not a supported parameter?
All I want to do is get my two servers on my machine to talk to each other. If 
this isn't the right way, is there another one? 
Thank you! * * *

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