Hi, everyone:
  Here is my query that finds the distinct value and counts them,  you can see 
that I used the same sub query twice, first for finding the distinct values, 
second for count the distinct values,  is there a way that I can cache the sub 
query result and reuse it somewhere else? I think it will run faster in that 

import module namespace  fx = "http://www.functx.com"; at 
declare namespace business="http://www.sipo.gov.cn/XMLSchema/business";;
declare namespace base="http://www.sipo.gov.cn/XMLSchema/base";;

(:Iterate through the distributed values:)
for $dis_val in 
  (:open multi database, then query the doc status field:)
  for $result in doc("50PatentDividedCreatingClause.xml")/results/result
  return db:open($result/dbName)/business:PatentDocumentAndRelated/@status
"value : " || $dis_val || ",  count: "|| 
  for $status in 
    for $result in doc("50PatentDividedCreatingClause.xml")/results/result
    return db:open($result/dbName)/business:PatentDocumentAndRelated/@status
where $status = $dis_val
return $status||"")

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