Hi, Christian!
Thank you again for your help!!
Yes, I have the full-text index enabled.
I have tried something like this:
let $dbs := for $i in db:list()[starts-with(.,'000999~')] return $i
for $db in $dbs
for $doc in db:open($db)/.//*[(# db:enforceindex #) { text() contains text { 'TEN-9258' } any }]
return $doc
No effect.
Then I have tried:
let $dbs := for $i in db:list()[starts-with(.,'000999~')] return $i
for $db in $dbs
let $ft := ft:search($db, "TEN-9258")/parent::*
for $node in $ft
return root($node)
And it works like a charm =)
But I don't understand why the first way doesn't work...
20.07.2018, 11:31, "Christian Grün" <christian.gr...@gmail.com>:

Hi Vladimir,

 But if I search in "db:list...db:open..." - it takes about 12-15 seconds.

If the name of the database is not statically known, the query cannot
be rewritten for index access (because one the targeted database may
not have the required index). I guess you have the full-text index

However, since BaseX 9, you can take advantage of the ENFORCEINDEX
option: All queries will then optimized for index operations, based on
your knowledge that there an index will be available. See [1] for
further details.

By the way, you can have a look at the compilation section of the Info
View in the GUI to see if indexes will be applied in your query.


[1] http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Indexes#Enforce_Rewritings


 Example takes ~12-15s:
 let $db := for $i in db:list()[starts-with(.,'000999~')] return try {db:open($i)} catch * {}
 for $doc in $db/.//*[text() contains text { 'TEN-9258' } any]
 return $doc

 Example takes ~180ms (returns 2 rows):
 let $db := for $i in db:list()[starts-with(.,'000999~201807')] return db:open($i)
 for $doc in $db/.//*[text() contains text { 'TEN-9258' } any]
 return $doc

 Example takes ~10ms (returns 2 rows):
 for $doc in db:open('000999~201807')/.//*[text() contains text { 'TEN-9258' } any]
 return $doc

 Why do the last 2 examples take different times?
 How can I improve this?

 Example takes ~2s (returns 0 rows):
 let $db := for $i in db:list()[starts-with(.,'000999~201806')] return db:open($i)
 for $doc in $db/.//*[text() contains text { 'TEN-9258' } any]
 return $doc

 Example takes ~12ms (returns 0 rows):
 for $doc in db:open('000999~201806')/.//*[text() contains text { 'TEN-9258' } any]
 return $doc

 25.06.2018, 13:07, "Alexander Shpack" <shadow...@gmail.com>:

 Hi, Vladimir,

 If you will do db names with the particular prefix, for example "db_", you may use the next code

 let $docs := for $i in db:list()[starts-with(.,"db_")] return db:open($i)return $docs/*

 On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 12:32 PM Ветошкин Владимир <en-tra...@yandex.ru> wrote:

 Hi, Alexander,

 Some questions:
 After that, how can I perform a search in all of these databases?
 Can I search for substring without fulltext using only text index?

 25.06.2018, 11:56, "Alexander Shpack" <shadow...@gmail.com>:

 Hey Vladimir,

 You can use sharding approach for you data import and split all DBs even every month.

 On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 11:50 AM Ветошкин Владимир <en-tra...@yandex.ru> wrote:

 Hi, Alexander!
 Thank you!

 In my previous letter I have described the proccess in short.
 I'll think about separated DB. But I'm afraid that this base will also be very big in future.
 Although I can try to split data to several databases - one per year.. Hmm..

 25.06.2018, 11:25, "Alexander Shpack" <shadow...@gmail.com>:

 Hey, Vladimir!

 Just put this specific files to the separated DB and than index it.
  You can process it automatically, BaseX allows to create and index DB right from XQuery.

 I hope it helps you. Anyhow, you can provide more details about your task and we can figure out the best solution for you.

 On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 10:42 AM Ветошкин Владимир <en-tra...@yandex.ru> wrote:

 Hi, Fabrice!
 Thank you.

 All databases constantly change.That is why there is no way to single out "a big readonly collection" :(
 Maybe it is possible to use some other incremental indexes?
 I have to index specific xml-files, not all files in database.

 21.06.2018, 17:16, "Fabrice ETANCHAUD" <fetanch...@pch.cerfrance.fr>:

 Hi Vladimir,

 I don’t think there is something like a incremental full text index for the moment [1].

 As index is per collection, the recommanded way shall be to split your data in two collections :

 - A big readonly collection of all the past updates, indexed once

 - A small/medium sized collection whom full text index can be recreated in an acceptable time after each update.

 At the end of a predefined time period, you have to add the live collection to the readonly one, reindex it, and truncate the live one.

 Best regards from France,

 Fabrice Etanchaud

 [1] http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Indexes#Updates

 De : BaseX-Talk [mailto:basex-talk-boun...@mailman.uni-konstanz.de] De la part de ???????? ????????
 Envoyé : jeudi 21 juin 2018 16:02
 À : BaseX
 Objet : [basex-talk] Full-Text

 Hi, everyone!

 Is there any way to index only imported xml-files?

 Now, when I import xml-files the full-text index is deleted.

 After importing I recreate whole full-text index and it takes too much time :(


 С уважением,

 Ветошкин Владимир Владимирович

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 Ветошкин Владимир Владимирович


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 Ветошкин Владимир Владимирович


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С уважением,
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