Hi BaseX-Team,

when profiling some of our tests i found that we spend some time in 

We have 2 xquery modules in the repo (we don't call java code directly).

I'm not sure why BaseX tries to load our xqm as Java Modules, but what I 
noticed is that Reflect.forName caches the positive case (i.e., the class is 
found), but not the negative case (i.e., the class is not found).

I've changed the code to cache the negative case as well (see below), and 
noticed an improvement of about 5 percent.

Our tests create and query loads of small databases, so this is maybe quite an 
artificial speedup.

I could provide a PR if this is a worthwhile improvement in your opinion (and 
if I'm not missing something obvious).

We're still on BaseX 8.7.6 in case that matters, as far as I could see the Code 
didn't change in BaseX 9.




public static Class<?> forName(final String name) throws ClassNotFoundException 
    Class<?> c = CLASSES.get(name);

    if(c == null) {
      if (CLASSES.containsKey(name)) {
        throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
      } else {
        try {
          c = Class.forName(name);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
          CLASSES.put(name, null);
          throw e;
        if (!Modifier.isPublic(c.getModifiers())) throw new 
        CLASSES.put(name, c);
    return c;

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