
I’ve cobbled together a query that I want to use to import xml from the 
filesystem into the database based on specific metadata requirements:

let $xmlroot := "/Users/jason.davis/Sandbox/dita-docs/content/"
   for $file in file:list($xmlroot, true())
   where matches($file, 'xml') or matches($file, 'ditamap')
   let $doc := file:resolve-path($file, $xmlroot)
   return if (doc($doc)//brand[contains(.,'xyz')])
   then db:add("d4st^dita-docs^meta-test",  $doc)
   else ()

It works, so I’m pleased! I’m just wondering if there is a more efficient way 
to achieve what I want to do. I know that using a specific XPath in the doc 
function is one thing I can do better. Any suggestions are appreciated!


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