On 7 Jan 2019, at 11:20, Christian Grün wrote:

> The WebDAV implementation is definitely not the one that provides best
> performance in BaseX. Nevertheless, I think I’ll have a look at the
> use case you describe. Some questions in return:
>> I re-verified the behavior on a third (fast) machine with SDD and the result 
>> as still bad with an average of 900-1000ms per request.
> 1. What does "request" mean in that context? Do you request directory
> entries, do you request documents, or do you run updates?

Please check the log entries..there are only HEAD/PROFIND/GET requests
on the WebDAV level against a single XML resource.

> 2. Does the eXist-db WebDAV implementation list multiple databases in
> the WebDAV root directory (as BaseX does), or do all operations work
> on a specific database that is chosen at startup time?

eXist basically serves only one database per database server instance.
But how is eXist relevant here?


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