> On 13 Feb 2019, at 16:38, Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Manual locks could either be assigned globally or
> within a query:
>  (# db:manuallock #) {
>    (# basex:write-lock BEP-Staging #) {
>      (# basex:read-lock BEP #) {
>        let $d:=db:open('BEP')
>        return db:create('BEP-staging',$d,$d!base-uri(.))
>      }
>    }
>  }
> I wouldn’t call this syntax particularly appealing 

Yes - that’s certainly a monster. :)

Would this work where the database names are only known at run time?

So if I POST data to http://www.example.com/add/myDatabaseName

Do we need something like:

xquery:databaseRestrict($databaseName, addStuffFunction($data) )

which will raise an error if any database other than $databaseName is 
referenced by addStuffFunction.

Just noting my thoughts - need to consider it a little more.

Regards, James

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