> It looks as if databases are not cleaned up in your environment that
> are temporarily created during the update step.
> I guess it will be difficult for you to get this reproduced for us?


It does happen on Windows and Linux, though. I pretty much run the default 

This is a complete example of a simple import query:

declare variable $system external;
declare variable $config := fetch:xml(file:base-dir() || '../../config/config.' 
|| $system ||'.xml')/basexconfig;
declare variable $dbname := string($config/esvxml/database/esvschema);
declare variable $sourcefile := string($config/esvxml/import/paths/sourcefile)

for $source in fetch:xml($sourcefile)/sources/*/path
where file:is-dir($source)
  let $path := $source
  let $produkt := $source/@produkt
  let $produkttyp := $source/parent::*/name()
  let $xmlprozess := $source/@xml
  for $file in file:list($path, true(), '*.xml')
    return db:add($dbname, $path || $file ,  
                  map { 'intparse': true(),'chop': false(), 'addcache': true(), 
'skipcorrupt': true() })

Nothing special in here.

It seems safe to delete those temporary databases regularly, then?
Too bad I cannot reproduce.

Thanks, Daniel

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