Functions from the Database Module will ALWAYS access database resources,
no matter which value assign to WITHDB.

On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 12:53 PM France Baril <>

> Just to confirm would this work if I disable WITH DB?
>    let $rtl-entry :=
> db:open('AppResources')/*[@id='config']/descendant::rtl-languages
>    let $new-rtl-value := '...'
>    return
>        (: Not using db:open or  db:replace but node was obtnained with
> db:open :)
>        replace value of node $rtl-entry with $new-rtl-value
> Also, do you really mean db:open specifically or do you mean a function
> from the database module, again as opposed to assuming DEFAULTDB? How about 
> db:add
> or db:replace? I'm trying to figure out if I should read this narrowly as
> if you touch anything in the db without the specific db:open instruction or
> as a more general statement if you do not use DEFAULTDB.
> On Sun, Oct 20, 2019 at 5:25 PM Christian Grün <>
> wrote:
>> Hi France,
>>  or does it mean that we use db:open but not local queries on the
>>> document obtained
>> That's probably what it means (if I understood you correctly):
>> By default, you can access both local files as well as database resources
>> with fn:doc and fn: collection. If you disable WITHDB, you must use db:open
>> for accessing databases.
>> Did I get you right?
>> Christian
>> (example below), or since there is a notion of lock, do you mean db:open
>>> as opposed to db:add or db:replace? In short, I lack context to
>>> interpret the explanation.
>>> let $current-doc := db:open($lang)/*[@id=x]
>>> (: Query document further without db:opened :)
>>> let $avaliable-sections :=
>>> $current-doc/descendant::*[name()=''section][@status !='archived']
>>> From the documentation:
>>> Introduced with Version 9.3.
>>> *Signature* WITHDB
>>> *Default* true
>>> *Summary* By default, URIs specified in the fn:doc
>>> <> and fn:collection
>>> <> functions will
>>> also be resolved against existing databases. If db:open
>>> <> is consistently
>>> used to access database documents, it is recommendable to disable this
>>> option:
>>>    - Access to local and external resources will be faster, as the
>>>    database lookup will be skipped.
>>>    - No locks will be created by the two functions (see limitations of
>>>    database locking
>>>    <> for
>>>    more details).
>>> --
>>> France Baril
>>> Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect
> --
> France Baril
> Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect

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