> So by creating such an XQuery wrapper module, we would ensure that there is 
> only a single import of the Java class (which represents module m1) - 
> regardless of how many times the XQuery wrapper module is imported? If so, 
> then indeed that sounds like an option.

Exactly: The XQuery specification ensures that XQuery modules that are
referenced multiple times are only parsed once. As a consequence, the
Java object that will be created in that module won’t be created
multiple times. Just run the example code that I provided in my
earlier mail, it should make clear how this works.

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Christian Grün [mailto:christian.gr...@gmail.com]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2019 17:48
> An: Johannes Echterhoff <echterh...@interactive-instruments.de>
> Cc: BaseX <basex-talk@mailman.uni-konstanz.de>
> Betreff: Re: [basex-talk] How many QueryModule instances can be created?
> Hi Johannes,
> > m1 is a Java module, with de.interactive_instruments.module.MyQueryModule 
> > being the Java class that extends QueryModule.
> > …
> > We end up having multiple instances, i.e. Java objects, of class
> > MyQueryModule, …
> So the solution which I would recommend (and which I would generally 
> recommend when importing Java classes) is to write an XQuery wrapper module 
> for m1, and place the Java imports in that module (see [1] for an example). 
> This module will only exist once in your query context.
> This approach has various other advantages: For example, you can work with 
> XQuery data types in all other modules, and only the wrapper needs to ensure 
> that the XQuery parameters will be correctly converted into and back from 
> Java types.
> Does that sound like an option?
> Christian
> [1] http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Repository#Combined
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: Christian Grün [mailto:christian.gr...@gmail.com]
> > Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2019 15:59
> > An: Johannes Echterhoff <echterh...@interactive-instruments.de>
> > Cc: BaseX <basex-talk@mailman.uni-konstanz.de>
> > Betreff: Re: [basex-talk] How many QueryModule instances can be created?
> >
> > > It may also answer my second question, where I was referring to expath 
> > > packaging and if that would make any difference - when compared to having 
> > > a pure JAR with the Java classes (and required libraries). It sounds like 
> > > expath packaging does not make a difference. Please correct me if I got 
> > > this wrong.
> >
> > Right: EXPath is just another way of packaging the code. The XQuery parser 
> > will handle all modules equally, no matter if they have initially been 
> > packaged as XAR or via our own packaging mechanisms.
> >
> > After having read your initial mail for a second time, I noticed I may have 
> > got your setup a little wrong. I think it will be easier to find a solution 
> > if we manage to construct a little example that shows the behavior you 
> > reported. Otherwise, there may be too many open questions to solve (how do 
> > you import and initialize your Java Code? is initialization identical to 
> > creating a class instance? is the initialization code embedded in global 
> > variables? etc).
> >
> > I have attached a basic set of files that (I believe) simulates your setup. 
> > Could you extend it for me, or comment back what I may have wrongly 
> > understood?

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