Hi Ivan, hi Gerrit,

Thanks for your assessments.

Most design decisions in RESTXQ have been taken from Java’s JAX-RS API
[1]. The semantics for accessing paths is a bit more complex, though:
JAX-RS provides two annotations @Path and @PathParam to access the
full path and segments of the path, and the segments are automatically
decoded. Automatic decoding can be disabled via an optional @Encoded

In RESTXQ, we only have a single %rest:path annotations, which
contains both the full path as well as variables for path segments.

Requests with wrongly encoded URLs, such as http://localhost:8984/a%2,
are already rejected by Jetty (and, I guess, any other web servers).
They are rejected before any RESTXQ code can intervene. If a URLs is
correctly encoded, the Java servlet function getPathInfo() is used to
obtain the path. I noticed there is an alternative function
getRequestURI() that could be used to access the original URL.

Maybe the introduction of a %rest:encoded annotation could be
discussed in the EXQuery/RESTXQ repository [2]?


[1] https://download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/jaxrs-2_0-fr-eval-spec/index.html
[2] https://github.com/exquery/exquery/issues

On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 2:38 PM Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex
<gerrit.imsi...@le-tex.de> wrote:
> On 24.01.2020 14:36, Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex wrote:
> > So I agree, BaseX should not interpret escaped slashes as if they were
> > regular slashes, thereby disallowing them as part of RESTXQ path pa
> …rameters.

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