Hi France,

I just ran a little 'test.bxs' command script with the following
contents on command line:

xquery file:create-dir('test')
xquery file:write('test/dummy.png', ())
xquery db:create('db', 'test', '/', map { 'addraw': true() })
xquery db:list('db')

It outputs 'dummy.png' as expected.

Could you provide us with some self-contained example code?


On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 3:12 PM France Baril
<france.ba...@architextus.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this function that loads all the indexable content, but leaves the 
> .png behind. Am I missing something?
> declare %rest:path("/demo/create-db")
>     %rest:GET
>     %rest:query-param('db', '{$db}', 'new-name')
>     %rest:query-param('dir-src', '{$dir-src}', '')
>     %output:method("html")
>     %output:html-version("5.0")
> updating function democlean:create-db($db as xs:string, $dir-src as 
> xs:string){
>    let $params := map {'updindex': true(), 'language': 'fr', 'addraw': 
> true(), 'chop': false(), 'intparse': true(), 'createfilter': '*.xml, 
> *.ditamap, *.dita'}
>    return (
>       if (db:exists($db))
>       then db:drop($db)
>       else (),
>       if ($dir-src = '')
>       then
>         db:create($db, (), (), $params)
>       else
>         db:create($db, $dir-src, '/', $params),
>        db:output(<div>DB ready</div>)
>    )
> }
>  I also tried 'serializer: ''indent=no' as a parameter, which was 
> unrecognized. I assume that since addraw is not unrecognized, it should work.
> --
> France Baril
> Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect
> france.ba...@architextus.com

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