Hi Thufir, 

I think you might look up the namespaces from the Libre Office File like so: 
> (
>   for $node in $doc//(@*,*)
>   let $nn := node-name($node)
>   let $ns-uri := namespace-uri-from-QName($nn)
>   let $prefix := prefix-from-QName($nn)
>   where $ns-uri
>   return ``[declare namespace `{ $prefix }` = "`{ $ns-uri }`"]``
> ) => distinct-values()
> => string-join(out:nl())
https://git.basex.io/snippets/77 <https://git.basex.io/snippets/77>

Other than that you might have to consult the Schema files I guess :)

> Am 14.02.2020 um 09:27 schrieb thufir <hawat.thu...@gmail.com>:
> I think I mainly need to add a namespace for fods:
> thufir@dur:~/fods/flwor$
> thufir@dur:~/fods/flwor$ basex text.xq
> Stopped at /home/thufir/fods/flwor/text.xq, 3/14:
> [XPST0081] No namespace declared for 'text:p'.
> thufir@dur:~/fods/flwor$
> thufir@dur:~/fods/flwor$ cat text.xq
> for $foo  in db:open("foo")
> return $foo//text:p
> thufir@dur:~/fods/flwor$
> https://stackoverflow.com/q/60222478/262852
> how do I know all the namespacess?  from the libre office file?

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