I know I've gone around on this before, but looking to import data directly from Java. I've set the parser to "json", am only adding JSONObject string data, and not JSONArray, but am getting "resource not found":


What does it mean "resource not found"? The data is certainly valid, because the following will import JSON the fine, in fact it even imports the array:

let $database := "blgdfmbljm"
for $name in file:list('.', false(), '*.json')
let $file := file:read-text($name)
let $json := json:parse($file)
return db:add($database, $json, $name)

dummy data:


So, I guess a two-fold question: how to import a JSONArray with Java, and how to even know what resource isn't found. Doesn't seem likely to be the JSONObject as I've inspected it just prior to invoking Add.



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