How can I start a new "record" and then nest tags in that record?

but I'm getting output like:

      if (matches($line, "[0-9]"))
      then <data>people</data>
      else <name>people</name>
      if (matches($line, "[0-9]"))
      then <data>joe</data>
      else <name>joe</name>

wheras I just want output like:


the query:

xquery version "3.0";

for $line in db:open("foo.txt")//text()
      if (matches($line, "[0-9]"))
      then <data>{$line}</data>
      else <name>{$line}</name>

I think it's a matter of using the () and {} correctly. Pardon, yes, I'm literally reading a book on this, still trying to understand the syntax.



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