Hi Gerrit, 

I came up with the following example — 

Hope this helps — feel free to ask for more. I simply chose the first 
autocomplete library that showed up when asking google for  "autocomplete 
lightweight“ ;-)

Probably the most relevant changes compared to the default BaseX Config files 
are here:

Changed the Servlet mapping, so RESTXQ is output at `/api` (and not /)
> https://git.basex.io/basex-public/mailinglist-autocomplete/-/blob/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml#L83

And static-files are output at: `/` instead of the default `/static`
> https://git.basex.io/basex-public/mailinglist-autocomplete/-/blob/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml#L140

If you simply clone my repo, the relevant parts should be „correct“ — according 
to my personal taste ;-)

Feel free to ask for more help.


> Am 25.06.2020 um 18:31 schrieb Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex 
> <gerrit.imsi...@le-tex.de>:
> Hi List,
> Can anyone recommend a lightweight vanilla Javascript autocomplete library 
> that can easily be used together with BaseX RESTXQ? Maybe even a readily 
> cloneable/modifiable example?
> I don’t have a preference for a server response format. The RESTXQ service 
> may be configured to return XML, JSON, or HTML
> No CORS restrictions need to be considered, the query host is the same that 
> delivers the HTML pages.
> Gerrit

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