Hi Bridger,

As your query will either return an empty sequence (in the case of
success) or a string (in the case of an error), you’ll need to use
xs:string? as return type:

declare function local:grab(
  $url as xs:string,
  $path as xs:string,
  $fname as xs:string
) as xs:string? {

Hope this helps, cheers,

>   let $req := http:send-request(<http:request method="get"/>, $url)
>   return
>     if (head($req)/@status = "200")
>     then file:write($path || $fname, tail($req), map { "method": "xml" })
>     else ("something went wrong!")
> };
> ```
> but I've noticed that in version 9.4.3 this returns an  XPTY error:
> Stopped at /home/bridger/bin/basex-src/basex-943-xpty0004-error.xq, 1/18:
> [XPTY0004] Cannot promote xs:string* to document-node(): (let $req_7 := 
> http:send-request(<http:request method="get"/>, 
> "https://dpla.lib.utk.edu/repox/OAIHa....
> While this could be a bug, should I be writing this kind of local function 
> differently? Or could I improve my typing on it?
> Thanks very much for any advice or insights you can provide.
> Best,
> Bridger

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