If you really don't want the leading /

 declare function local:pathbuild($result as xs:string,$this as node()){
        $result, '/'[$result], name($this),
        $this/@*! concat("[@" , name(.) , "='" , data(.),

On Fri, 16 Oct 2020 at 17:48, Andy Bunce <bunce.a...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Bridger,
> How about..
> declare function local:pathbuild($result as xs:string,$this as node()){
>  concat(
>         $result, "/" , name($this),
>         $this/@*! concat("[@" , name(.) , "='" , data(.),
> "']")=>string-join('')
>       )
> };
> innermost($input//*)!fold-left(ancestor-or-self::*,'',local:pathbuild#2)
> /Andy
> On Fri, 16 Oct 2020 at 16:29, Bridger Dyson-Smith <bdysonsm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all -
>> I hope you don't mind a question about serializing distinct XPaths. I'm
>> trying to generate some reports for documentation and the available
>> built-in and library functions[1] aren't quite what I need.
>> The output I'm after is:
>> test/aaa/bbb[@type="foo"]
>> test/aaa/bbb[@type="foo"][@enc="bar"]
>> test/aaa/bbb[@type="bzz"][@enc="bar"]
>> test/aaa/bbb[@type="qux"][@enc="bar"][@key="yes"][@point="start"]
>> test/aaa/bbb[@type="qux"][@enc="bar"][@key="yes"][@point="end"]
>> I have a couple of functions that are getting me close, but I can't quite
>> manage the output strings, and multiple children are causing me trouble
>> (entirely too much like real life). Any help or suggestions would be
>> greatly appreciated. I've created a gist[2] with the following example:
>> Thanks very much for your time and trouble.
>> Best,
>> Bridger
>> ```xquery
>> xquery version "3.1";
>> declare variable $input :=
>>   <test>
>>     <aaa>
>>       <bbb type="foo">bbb content</bbb>
>>     </aaa>
>>     <aaa>
>>       <bbb type="foo" enc="bar">bbb content</bbb>
>>     </aaa>
>>     <aaa>
>>       <bbb type="bzz" enc="bar">bbb content</bbb>
>>       <bbb type="qux" enc="bar" key="yes" point="start">bbb content</bbb>
>>       <bbb type="qux" enc="bar" key="yes" point="end">bbb content</bbb>
>>     </aaa>
>>   </test>;
>> declare function local:elem(
>>   $nodes as node()*
>> ) as xs:string* {
>>   for $node in $nodes
>>   return(
>>     string-join(
>>       if ($node/@*)
>>       then (string-join((name($node) || string-join(for $att in $node/@* 
>> return local:atty($att))), "/"), local:elem($node/child::*))
>>       else if ($node/child::*)
>>            then (for $child in $node/child::* return local:elem($child), 
>> local:elem($node/child::*))
>>            else (name($node) || "/" || local:elem($node/child::*))
>>     )
>>   )
>> };
>> declare function local:atty(
>>   $att as attribute()
>> ) as xs:string* {
>>   "[@" || name($att) || "='" || data($att) || "']"
>> };
>> local:e2($input
>> (:
>>   this currently returns
>>   test/aaa/bbb[@type='foo']/
>>   /
>>   /aaa/bbb[@type='foo'][@enc='bar']/
>>   /
>>   /aaa/bbb[@type='bzz'][@enc='bar']/
>>   /bbb[@type='qux'][@enc='bar'][@key='yes'][@point='start']/
>>   /bbb[@type='qux'][@enc='bar'][@key='yes'][@point='end']/
>>   /
>> :)
>> ```
>> [1] fn:path, and the related functions from functx
>> (functx:distinct-element-paths, functx:path-to-node, and
>> functx:path-to-node-with-pos). The functx functions are really close and
>> awesome, but I need to incorporate attributes into my output.
>> [2] https://gist.github.com/CanOfBees/8cfb435ac06986c9b0b0c215a786f4d7

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