Hi Christian,

For the time being, I ended up with this:


let $MariaBase := 'Relational'
let $db        := 'Innovate'
let $user      := '<user>'
let $pass      := '<pass'

let $con := sql:connect('jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/' || $db, $user, $pass)
let $tables := sql:execute($con, 'show tables')/sql:column/text()

let $doc := element { $db } {
  for $table in $tables
    return element { $table } {
      let $rows := sql:execute($con, 'select * from ' || $table)
      for $row in $rows
      return element row {
        for $col in $row/sql:column
        return element { $col/@name } { $col/data() }

(: return db:add($MariaBase, $doc, $db). :)
return $doc gives


return $doc gives:

      <Dienst>CIO Office</Dienst>

return db:add($MariaBase, $doc, $db)
results in my database in Relational -> Innovate/1 -> Innovate/1 -> Dienst/1 -> row/n (1 and n indicate parity)

I expected that return db:add($MariaBase, $doc) would add $doc at the top-level, resulting in Relational -> Innovate/1 -> Dienst/1 -> row/n but this results in an error (path is missing)

According to the documentation ommitting the third parameter in db:add should be allowed, or did I misinterpret something?

Cheers, Ben

Op 21-12-2021 om 13:20 schreef Christian Grün:
Thanks. Does the query do what you are looking for?

On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 12:47 PM <benengb...@dds.nl> wrote:

Christian Grün schreef op 21-12-2021 10:18:
Hi Ben,

return db:add($db, $doc, $table || '.xml')

Could you give us little examples for <DB-name>, <DB-schema> and
<table-name> ?


To the best of my knowledge in MySQL and/or MariaDB DB-name and
DB-schema are identical? The schema-name I use is 'Innovate'.
Table-names are
| Tables_in_Innovate |
| Dienst             |
| Mdw_Probleem       |
| Mdw_Wens           |
| Medewerker         |
| Medewerker_dienst  |
| Probleem           |
| Wens               |

PS.I hope you'll see this reply. Since a few days all mail from
basex-talk is refused by Thunderbird. At least I don't see them anymore

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