…hardly possible to give a concise and distinct answer on this. If you
use basic JavaScript without any frameworks (Angular, React, VueJS,
etc.), you may need to pass on all data to the server via the POST
request (triggered by your input form) and generate a server-side
answer which includes the chosen values.

Once again, the DBA code includes various examples for that. See e.g.
[1] for the user form, which contains a select element list with the


On Thu, Jan 6, 2022 at 4:28 PM Hans-Juergen Rennau <hren...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question concerning RESTXQ design patterns.
> Imagine you have a page P1 displaying an input field, and you want to provide 
> a button enabling the user to pick the terms from a list, rather than 
> entering them.
> So after pressing the button, another page P2 appears, listing the terms and 
> enabling a selection.
> After selection, P1 should again appear, looking as before, except for the 
> selected terms appearing in the field.
> A common pattern, isn't it. How to implement it? One approach would be P2 
> calling P1 (via form/@action), passing the selection to P1 as form or query 
> parameters. But then the input of P1 must include everything required to 
> restore the previous appearance, including the values of input fields from 
> forms not yet submitted.
> There is certainly a simpler way? I suppose a standard approach handles this 
> completely with JavaScript, updating the page. I wonder if RESTXQ and 
> supporting modules enable some alternative?
> Thank you, with kind regards -
> Hans-Jürgen

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