Dear Mohammed

Reading your message I feel a lot of pain and I am sorry that you feel some 
hurting people excluded with the idea of an Ukraine Edition. To me this feels 
like a beginning to include the humans suffering. I see it as a step to show up 
in these painful areas and I read it as finally we start to care about what is 
going on in the world. And yes, there have not yet been other Editions showing 
sympathy with the humans suffering all over the world. Not even knowing you, I 
feel deep sympathy for you.

Warmly caring

On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 9:41 AM reda chbihi <> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I hope you're doing well,
> I think that creating an Ukrainian edition will not stoping putin....
> I don't know why you never thought about creating a palastinian, irakian, 
> syrian or afghan editions??? These people suffer since years or decades... 
> Creating Ukrainian edition is just hypocrisy!!!
> What i'm saying doesn't mean that i am agree with putin's war against 
> Ukrainian people. But we're all human and nobody deserves what's going on 
> Ukraine, palastine or Afghanistan.
> Regards
> Mohammed Reda CHBIHI

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