On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 02:07:52AM +0200, Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex scripsit:
> Hi Graydon,

Hi Gerrit --

> Replying to the list for posterity. I hope you don’t mind.

Not in the slightest.

> When you dynamically evaluate an expression (xquery:eval(),
> job:eval(), …), you start with the default values of the static
> context [1]. Nothing of the XQuery module from which you evaluate the
> expression is known (unless supplied by binding, but ordinary function
> declarations are not amenable to binding), therefore no risk of
> circularity.

That makes sense; xquery:eval() has only the supplied static context.

> As stated in the table in [1], you can use module import [2] to
> augment this clean slate. In particular the module’s function
> declarations/signatures will be available then. If you don’t want the
> dynamically evaluated expression to import the whole module, you can
> store functions into variables and supply these variables to the
> evaluation through bindings. Haven’t tried it yet.

The thing that has me croggled is that the dynamically evaluated
expression is in the module being imported, where it is bound to a
public variable in the module namespace.

https://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-31/#id-module-import does say that public
variable declaration are included in what's imported.

I'm pleased that it works, but I wouldn't claim I understand how it

My (somewhat reduced) library module starts off as:

module namespace xc = "http://example.com/stuff";;

(: load the list of parameters:)
declare variable $xc:paramsFile external;
declare variable $xc:params as map(*) := file:read-text($xc:paramsFile) => 

followed by various functions, and the parameters start off:

import module namespace xc="http://example.com/stuff"; at "library.xqm";
map { 
    (: many parameters :)

While I think I get that the xquery:eval() only has the static context
provided to it, and by default has nothing, why the xquery:eval()
doesn't try to evaluate the variable again when the library module is
provided as context isn't at all clear to me. I suppose there has to be
something in the import process that avoids infinite loops.


Graydon Saunders  | graydon...@fastmail.com
Þæs oferéode, ðisses swá mæg.
-- Deor  ("That passed, so may this.")

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