I am using BaseX 9.5 and we are using  the prof:dump() function for
debugging code and data. When a query is run in the BaseX GUI, the output
of prof:dump() is shown in the info view.

When we are calling this function in XQUERY and try to print output of
prof:dump() in the log then it is not printing anything.

As per BaseX documentation, if LOGTRACE is 'ON' and BaseX is being used as
a web-application, then the output of prof:dump() function gets logged in
database logs. Checked on the server, LOGTRACE is 'ON' but the output is
not getting logged in log file..

Also we try it to store output prof:dump() in a variable and print it into
log file but not working

let $_Logs := prof:dump($work/@id || ' (' || $work/*:titleSet/*:title[1] ||
')', 'Excluded from output, as no media found: ')
return admin:write-log('output of function prof:dump is: '|| $_Logs)

Can you please suggest how we can capture output of function prof:dump() in
a XML format or in the BaseX log file?

Thank You

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