Salut Pierre-Yves,

Sorry for not giving a helpful answer so far. Indeed it’s the sophisticated
setup that makes it difficult to give quick advice. Can you successfully
stop your server when you run a single basexhttp instance, or does this
already fail? Is it reproducible with 2 instances?

In general, explicit stops are not that important any more today: When the
system sends an ordinary stop/kill signal, the instance will be gracefully
shut down as well.

Hope this helps (a little), feel free to ask more questions,

On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 11:39 AM Pierre-Yves Jallud <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> after having configuring a BaseX hub (|cluster|farm|...?), I have a last
> problem (I hope 🤞😅). When I want to stop a BaseX instance with
> basexhttpstop (or basexhttp stop), I have different results, but none stop
> the instance.
> The context:
>    - I'm using the following java version: *OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
>    (Red_Hat- (build 11.0.21+9-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)*
>    - in the .bash_profile of the basexusr1 (and for each (system LINUX)
>    BaseX user), I precise the BASEX_JVM variable (*export
>    BASEX_JVM="-Dorg.basex.path=/basex-ferme/sites/basex1"*) to customize
>    the webapp and data repository
>    - */basex-ferme/sites/basex1/basex* is a symbolic link to the BaseX
>    reference (every site has this symbolic link) located here:
>    */basex-ferme/basex* (hum... this is also a symbolic link pointing to
>    the last version of basex: */basex-ferme/basex-10.7*)
>    - the ports are different for each instance and are (only) precised
>    when I launch the BaseX process
>    - I launch each process with this command (adapting basex1, basexusr1
>    and ports for each BaseX):
> *su - -s /bin/bash basexusr1 -c
>    "/basex-ferme/sites/basex1/basex/bin/basexhttp -S -h11204 -p11205 -s11206" 
> *
>    - for each command below, the code returned is ($?) 0... but the
>    process is still running 🤔 (as the web site). I only test the access of
>    the DBA service (logging as admin) and I've got no database (at this
>    time).
> The result of the stop commands:
>    1. > su - -s /bin/bash basexusr1 -c
>    "/basex-ferme/sites/basex1/basex/bin/basexhttpstop -h11204 -p11205 -s11206"
>    BaseX 10.7 [HTTP Server]
>    [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @1523ms
>    to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
>    HTTP Server was stopped (port: 11204).
>    Server was stopped (port: 11205).
>    2. > su - -s /bin/bash basexusr1 -c
>    "/basex-ferme/sites/basex1/basex/bin/basexhttp stop -h11204 -p11205 
> -s11206"
>    BaseX 10.7 [HTTP Server]
>    [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @1441ms
>    to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
>    HTTP Server was stopped (port: 11204).
>    Server was stopped (port: 11205).
>    3. > su - -s /bin/bash basexusr1 -c
>    "/basex-ferme/sites/basex1/basex/bin/basexhttp stop -s11206"
>    BaseX 10.7 [HTTP Server]: 11205).
>    [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @1819ms
>    to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
>    HTTP Server was stopped (port: 8080).
>    Server was stopped (port: 1984).
>    4. > su - -s /bin/bash basexusr1 -c
>    "/basex-ferme/sites/basex1/basex/bin/basexhttp stop -h11204 -s11206"
>    BaseX 10.7 [HTTP Server]
>    [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @1366ms
>    to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
>    HTTP Server was stopped (port: 11204).
>    Server was stopped (port: 1984).
>    5. > su - -s /bin/bash basexusr1 -c 
> "/basex-ferme/sites/basex1/basex/bin/basexhttp
>    stop -p11205 -s11206"
>    BaseX 10.7 [HTTP Server]
>    [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @1006ms
>    to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
>    HTTP Server was stopped (port: 8080).
>    Server was stopped (port: 11205).
> ... and there is no track of the stop request in the log file (but there
> are the tracks of the admin access). The only solution I have found is to
> kill the process. That's my plan B, but I hope there is another cleaner
> solution 🤞😎
> Has anyone a suggestion to resolve my problem?... and sorry for the
> complexity of the context 😓
> Greetings
> Pierre-Yves
> ------------------------------
> *Pierre-Yves Jallud*
> *Pôle Humanité Numériques / Ingénieur en ingénierie logicielle*
> ------------------------------
> IHRIM - UMR 5317 <>
> CNRS <>
> ENS de Lyon <>
> 15 Parvis René Descartes - BP7000 - 69342 Lyon CEDEX 07
> +33 (0)4 37 37 63 83 -
> ------------------------------

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