Sorry, the first line of the script should end with


Could the problem be related to UPDINDEX, AUTOOPTIMIZE and/or FTINDEX all
being set to true on basexhttp but false on basexgui? I thought it wouldn't
make a difference because the updates occur in main memory, but perhaps it



On Wed, 7 Feb 2024, 4:03 pm Jack Steyn, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a database about 200 MB in size made up of approximately 150 000
> documents of similar size and structure as children of the root node.
> When I run the following script in basexgui a significant amount of memory
> is consumed (over 1 GB if I'm reading the display correctly), but I do get
> a result:
> for $doc in db:get('docs')
> return $doc update {
>     delete node .//*[local-name() = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')]
> }
> When I run it over basexhttp I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap
> space. I have increased the memory available to the JVM to 4 GB but this
> has not affected the failure of the script.
> How can I resolve this? Is there some rewriting of the script that would
> help, or is it more specific to basexhttp?
> Many thanks,
> Jack

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