Hi BaseXers,

Consider the following query run on a database 'factbook' containing
factbook.xml with full-text indexing:

declare function local:search(
    $database as xs:string,
    $query as xs:string
) {
    let $country-search := ft:search($database, $query)/ancestor::country
    let $city-search := ft:search($database,
    let $other-search := ft:search($database, $query)/parent::*[name() =
('ethnicgroups', 'languages')]/ancestor::country
    let $country-mark := $country-search[.//name[text() contains text {
$query }]] => ft:mark()
    let $city-mark := $city-search[.//city[text() contains text { $query
}]] => ft:mark()
    let $other-mark := $other-search[.//*[name() = ('ethnicgroups',
'languages')][text() contains text { $query }]] => ft:mark()
    return (

local:search('factbook', 'German')

The first result of this query is the entry for Austria. I would expect
both of the instances of the word 'German' in that entry to be surrounded
by <mark> tags. However only the first instance is.

Some changes that produce the correct result for the Austria entry:
 - replacing $database with 'factbook' in the definition of $other-search,
 - deleting either $country-mark or $city-mark in the sequence returned.

If you make either of the above changes, but additionally change the
predicate [text() contains text { $query }] to [ft:contains(text(),
$query)], the incorrect result returns.

Any idea what might be causing this? I'm running BaseX 10.7.



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