Before I started developing the R client for BaseX several years ago, I used to program regularly in SWI-Prolog. And I always wondered afterwards about the possible benefits of using Prolog in combination with XQuery. So after I finished developing RbaseX, I started developing ProBaseX.

I did not manage to set up a connection in Swipl. Therefore, my initial plan to develop ProBasex entirely in SWI-prolog was changed to a plan to first set up a connection in C++ and then use that connection. This work eventually resulted in a linux shared library that implements the full server protocol. I will now use that library for further development work.

LibBasexCpp and the test program libBasexTest.cpp are now on the Internet:

I am curious to see if this library fills a need and if it makes sense to continue working on a dual platform version.

Ben Engbers

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