Meeting 1081

April 18, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8:04 pm - because time passes

24 people attended

We established a party jar

The minutes for meeting 1080 were accepted as 'how he got in my bra I'll
never know'

the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1079 we took in $4.28 in the regular
jar & $11.84 in the party jar; while at meeting 1080 we took in $5.01 in the
regular jar & $15.50 in the party jar

The VP reported, “Hello!” and there is a new AND a newer 'Drink Tank' out -
numbers 273 and 278

The President had nothing fannish to report - and we said 'hi' to Bruce
Amberden - who works in tech and is not into the sf con scene - yet

The Sports Committee reported that 'Star Wars Night' at the Giants will be
Sept 4th - and that there is still a waiting list for the current outing

Adrienne announced that the Hugos received 1006 nomination ballots - the
most EVAR - and the nominees will be announced on Easter

John O announced that he's made reservations for a combined 50th birthday
celebration at Quarry Lake in Fremont

Ken announced that the Legion of Rasselon meeting will be postponed to the
5th Friday in April this month

Mike announced that there's a Magical Mystery Tour - a tribute to the
Beatles - on Saturday April 23, 8-10pm for $10 at the Mission City Coffee
Raosting Company in Santa Clara [2221 the Alameda] - and recommends 'be
there early'

[evil] Kevin announced that there's a new issue of 'Yipe' out

[evil] Kevin reviewed going home to help his mom out with his dad as there
was a lot of problem solving done and his dad's prognosis looks good - worth
full price

Adrienne reviewed 'Magic in the Blood' by Devon Monk as pretty good &

Howeird reviewed the 9th Annual World Affairs Challenge - themed for
'feeding the world' as it was the best one so far - with lots of smart &
clever kids - contact him if you'd like to volunteer & he reviewed making
pickles as a learning experience

Ed reviewed 'Macarthur's War' by Michael Dobson as a well-written alternate
history, worth paperback

Chris reviewed 'JarJar Binks must Die' by Kimmel as the 2nd best book of
film essays he's ever read & highly recommends it; reviewed the people at
'Orbit' as weird; reviewed 'Almost Final Curtain' by Tate Halloway as a
supernatural romance - that was absolutely horrible but not completely
terrible; he reviewed his new apartment as 'pretty', reviewed the soundtrack
CD to 'CQ' as rocking & really good - plus he got stickers - & reviewed hot
oil dumplings at '456' as he was transformed again - into someone who has
eaten the best dumplings EVAR! - he recommends the sauce then be poured over
the beef chow fun; [evil] Kevin follow-on'd with dumpling love

I reviewed seeing the movie 'Hanna' as pretty good but not unalloyed gold -
good acting but a bit light on stated plot - and worth matinee

Mo reviewed the 'Disney Family Museum' [visited while suffering from
allergies] as the displays were beautiful and it was worth full price

We did auctions:  cat toys & a bag for $2.50;  fannish stuff for $3.50;
books for $0.25, $1.00, $1.50;  fonts for $0.25,  magazines for $2.50;  Halo
stuff for $3.00  & a food processor for $1.50

we adjourned at 9:18 pm

Rumor of the Week:  'Chris Garcia will get his next Hugo for Godzilla porn'

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