Meeting 1083

May 2, 2011

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice-President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8:02 pm - with me still missing Stellan

23 people attended

The minutes for meeting 1082 were accepted as 'Donald Trump's toupee'

the Treasurer reported that he has the tickets - and that at meeting 1081 we
took in $9.50 in the regular jar & $15.50 in the party jar, while at meeting
1082 we took in $3.00 in the regular jar & $15.25 in the party jar

There was no VP or VP report

The President reported that TNT is showing 'movies you like' and a lot of
them are sf

Glenn proposed a motion to alter the Numismatic Responsibility Act and this
was voted down

Bob announced that today is the 400th anniversary of the printing of the
King James bible & the birthday of Roberts [of 'Robert's Rule of Orders'

Ed announced that he saw Walter Willis's mom has a Worldcon membership for

Lisa announced that there will be a Mythcon in 2012

Dave C announced that - as it is now May 2nd - that the April Cargo Cult is
now out

Harold reviewed his Death Valley trip as he drove some awful roads there -
and when 4-wheel drive vehicles are recommended there - that they are
serious, visited Darwin Falls and found it to be a giant wildlife litter
box, that it was $208 a day and gas cost $5.67 a gallon and recommended the
trip to all; he also reviewed gastric bypass surgery as a work in progress &

Ed reviewed John Ringo's book 'Citadel' as very readable & worth hardback &
he reviewed highway 9 as another difficult drive

Diane reviewed Hamilton's 'Starwolf' trilogy as worth full BASFA auction
price & that it's back on the auction block again

Glenn reviewed Guy Gavriel Kay's 'The Sarantine Mosaic' - a 2-book series -
as he adores Kay's writing & reviewed Kay's 'Ysabel' book as he loves Kay's
writing & reviewed Patricia McKillip's book 'The Bards of Bone Plain' as
very interesting & she does wonderful descriptions - worth full price
hard-cover & he reviewed flying to Norwescon by private plane as
-wonderful!- - a 4-hour flight and no TSA

[tall] Kevin reviewed his trip to England as he met fluff plush Cthulhu;
that Cheryl misses us greatly [WE MISS HER!] - that the trip was well worth
it & he got upgraded to a lovely room with an outside deck, that he saw
Bristol with Cheryl, who showed him trains, visited Trowbridge; went to
Eastercon & enjoyed the trip very much, plus got taken out to dinner by
Charlie Stross [lucky!] - and his entire trip was worth what he paid for it

Bruce reviewed 'Transcendent Man' - a documentary on the life & ideas of Ray
Kurzweil - as very worth seeing

Dave C reviewed Norwescon as he spent most of his time in the Dealer's Room,
that parties were hard to find & that the con seems to be on its way back &
fans praised his Tshirt of power the day he wore it [hail Invader Zim!] & he
saw the Bullwinkles there - but it was closed Monday

Lisa reviewed the latest episode of Dr Who as it leaves more questions than
it answers & is promising

Ken reviewed Lolcats as currently describing how preferential voting works

Adrienne reviewed the royal wedding as beautiful

We did auctions:  books for $1.50, $0.25, $0.25 & $0.50;  a magazine for
$0.25;  chips for $0.25 &  a video for $1.00

we adjourned at 9:59 pm

Rumor of the Week:  'we're exhausted'

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