As promised at last night's meeting, here's the live podcast from 
Are you looking for a distraction tonight? Well, we're here to help! It's the 
latest episode of the Fanboy Planet Podcast!Fanboy Planet Podcast #288 - I See 
What You Did There! Live from Con-Volution, with fanboy irregular Chris Garcia, 
and joined by fantasy author Stephen Burst, artist Maureen "Mo" Starkey, and 
games designer and mogul Steve Jackson, discussing comics, movies, tv, 
corporate mergers, and so much more!

Ric Bretschneider

Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 15:49:00 -0800
Subject: [Basfa] Nov 5 BASFA minutes

Meeting 1162
November 5, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale

Began at 8pm with dread upon the morrow
26 people attended

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1161 were accepted as 'Obama, where art thou?' & the 
MCXL minutes were accepted as 'ship shape and Bristol fashion'

there was no Treasurer - or report

The VP reported that there is no new 'Drink Tank' out & he will take stuff for 
the 'James Bond' issue of 'Journey Planet' until Friday, plus he won't be here 
for the next 2 weeks because he'll be attending conventions

The President had nothing fannish to report

The AdHoc Outing Committee reported the Retrodome is showing 'The Game Show 
Show' 7:30 Friday & they'll do an outing for 'Clue' quote-a-long for the 2pm 
Sunday showing

Ken announced that Gallifrey 1 is sold outs

JC announced that his daughter's team, the Lady Earthquakes, won again and are 
still undefeated - and he announced that they are hammering out the 4th 
Nerdvana podcast

Adrienne announced that the Bay Area Ghost Hunters now have more than 900 
members & she's looking for homes for ... stuff - like possibly a mimeo machine 
[that she has not smelled]

Howeird announced that today is Guy Fawfes day - and a number of other 
significant dates

Carole announced that 3 of her 17 scarves displayed in the Convolution art show 
sold & that she will be on several panels at Loscon and also have art panels 

Mike announced that he went to the Woodshed and enjoyed the performance & 
recommends checking out

Dave C announced thatLoscon is coming up - Thanksgiving weekend at the LA 
Marriott - where Mo will be a guest & Westercon have a fan table & a Friday 
night party

[evil] Kevin announced that he is supporting a new Kickstarter project looking 
to fun post-production costs for 'Real Heroes'

Mo announced that Dann has moved to Tuscon to take care of his dad & he misses 
us - plus she'd appreciate some help moving things around before Nov 28

Lisa announced that her daughter now has the keys to her new house and that her 
old mobile home is now for sale

Convolution was multiply, incredibly - exhaustively - reviewed and all agreed 
it was an excellent starting-up con - but they need better signage

Ric reviewed 'Arrow' on WB as it's his fave new show - highly recommended & Mo 
is also enjoying it

Bill reviewed the Ohio Valley filk festival as well-attended & he got good 
reactions to some of his new songs

[tall] Kevin reviewed Bristol con as an excellent 1-day con with excellent 
signage and Cheryl misses us all

Mo reviewed '1313 Mockingbird Lane' as fun; Ken said it's a failed pilot

We did auctions
we adjourned at 9:47 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'In my fantasy YOU all want to be secretary'


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