Meeting 1174
January 28, 2013

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale

Began at 8pm – with superheroic tropes and threats of Joe Biden
28 people attended

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1173 were accepted as 'minutes not being reviewed'

the Treasurer was not here

The Vice President commented that he didn't know where to go & then
reported that the newest 'Drink Tank' is in his hand now - and will be
out soon

The President had nothing fannish to report

The Outing committee reported that they plan to go to the HMS Pinafore
TNG at Dunklespiel Auditorium on Stanford campus, Saturday, Feb 2nd

The Party Committee reports that the BASFA party at FurCon went well,
they took in $180 in the jar and a good time was had by all

[tall] Kevin announced that Hugo nominations part 1 of 3 will be
tonight - the other 2 nights will be = Feb 11 and Feb 18

Fred announced that Cory Doctorow will be at Borderlands books on
Friday, Feb 8, 7pm-ish

Dave C announced that BBC America is now broadcasting from the West
Coast but the times are still being given as if it's the East Coast &
announced that 'Other Change of Hobbit' appreciates its customer's
business & announced that on Feb 1 the Greenway Court Theatre in LA is
showing 'When You're in Love the Whole World is Jewish'

Beth announced that her class was in the top 10 and will get a visit
from Sharkie on Monday

John O announced that they will be seeing the 'HMS Pinafore TNG' on
Feb 2 & announced that John Coulton's arrangement of 'Baby Got Back'
was lifted by 'Glee' so he has re-released the song

Ric announced that Fanboy Planet's podcasts are reaching near 300 -
#296 is out now 'Ambient Coughing'

[evil] Kevin announced that PR2 for Westercon 66 is now out and they
have a page at for folks to make programming
suggestions & announced that their suite at Gallifrey 1 will host 3
events:  Suite 110 will have, #1 'an ordinary room party', #2 will be
a western-themed room party called 'Mercy' & #3 will be a tea - and he
announced that Andy is home, not infecting us

Chris announced that deadlines for 'Exhibition Hall' & 'Journey
Planet' are Feb 15

Dave C reviewed 'Hansel ^ Gretel' as less than he expected - like
watching a faster, less witty 'Xena' episode & reviewed 'King of the
Nerds' as unfortunate

Mike reviewed 'Draw me a Story' as excellent and worth full price & to
check out - it's there thru Feb 24

Bradford reviewed Washington DC as great to hold an inauguration in -
the trip as a whole was excellent & he had a great time; & he reviewed
that Oxford Press has released an 11-volume history of sf as good but
they left out some cogent information

Tom reviewed '1312' by Robinson as a weird but good book, worth
paperback & reviewed 'HMS Pinafore TNG' as worth full price - a
beautiful production & those speaking to this agreed

Ric reviewed the 'Fringe' series finale as he really enjoyed it & he
recommends a new comic called 'The Highway' by John Byrne as hard sf &
also recommended a manga series 'The Drops of God' as really excellent

JC reviewed 'Movie 43' as all kinds of wrong and hysterically funny
['Something Awful' gave it a 0 of 50 rating] - rated as YMMV & Mo has
only seen previews of it and says 'it looks like the kind of movie
that would make her retch'

[evil] Kevin reviewed the Retrodome farewell shindig as wonderful and
sad and poignant & reviewed the 20th Century remake of 'Hidden
Fortress' big-screen showing as the recent CGI additions were
disappointing - [tall] Kevin pointed out the showing was quite
literally priceless

Ken reviewed the Retrodome's closing as very sentimental

Chris reviewed '6 Guns for Snow White' as amazing & spectacular

John reviewed Unwoman as she does really beautiful cello songs -
definitely worth attending & buying her music

We did auctions

we adjourned at 9:40 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'bacon is not meat - it is pig candy'

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