BASFA Meeting 1330
January 25, 2016

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
FEB 1 WILL BE AT: the RT Pizza place near Coco's, 1220 Oakmead Parkway
(Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale

30 people attended

We established a party jar
It was very loud here, with people yelling about basketball on the other
side of a partition

The minutes of meeting 1329 were accepted as 'alpha of Omega'

The Treasurer reported that last week we took in $4.00 in the regular jar &
$15.25 in the redacted jar

The Vice President had nothing fannish to report

The President had nothing fannish to report, but welcomed back Robert
Sallade after a several years absence

The Sports Committee reported that he still has tickets for the 1st Friday
in May Giants game [May 6], vs the

Colorado Rockies in section 317 at a price of $28

The Site Selection committee is looking for new meeting sites.
   Feb 1 = back at the Round Table 1220 Oakmead Parkway;
   Feb 8 at Black Bear Diner = 174 W. Calaveras Blvd,  Milpitas, CA 94035;
   Feb 15 back at the Round Table, 1220 Oakmead Parkway;
   Feb 22 at Lyons, 4233 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, CA  95129;
   Feb 29 at the Round Table again, 1220 Oakmead Parkway

Dave C announced that there is an art exhibit of 'My Hero - Contemporary
Art & Superhero Action' will be at the Bedford Gallery at Lesher Center for
the Arts through March 20 & announced that next week begins the Hugo
Nomination process, after regular meetings and that it will also cover
nominations for the Retro Hugos of 1940

Bill announced that he & Carole will attend a convention

JC announced that hotel reservations are open, but tricky to book at
MidAmeriCon & announced that Nerdvana

Podcast has an IndieGoGo fundraiser

Adrienne announced that Hugo nomination forms are out

Chris O announced that John O had his surgery and he is improving

Fred announced that light rail will be messed up during Superbowl week

Ken announced that Stephen Moffit has stepped down from 'Dr Who'

Dave C reviewed 'Spectre' as it had a poor premise, reviewed 'Ride Along 2'
as being more pleasant to view &

reviewed the TV series 'Angie Tribeka' as enjoyable
Adrienne reviewed her visit to North Dakota as nice, with lots of snow [too
much snow], but she & Mo agreed that

being in snow makes one appreciate heat more

Fred reviewed reading a newspaper as informative

Bill reviewed their visit to Georgia as interesting & Carole opined that
the Georgia Puppet Museum is worth seeing

JC reviewed the 'X Files' premiere as establishing the mood of the series &
interesting, but Mo thought the pacing was frantic

we did auctions

we adjourned at 9:18 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'Do you think that Moffit looks tired?'

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