
My name is Sam Tillis, and I'm the Artistic Director of Quantum Dragon
Theatre, a new Bay Area-based theatre company dedicated to producing
science-fiction and fantasy theatre. I'm e-mailing you today because we're
about to open our first play– *Civil*, by Rob Matsushita– and I figured it
might be something this group would be interested in.

*Civil* is a courtroom drama set in a dystopian future in which all court
cases are settled within a virtual reality simulation. The jury never sees
the actual plaintiffs, defendants, witnesses, lawyers, or judge; rather,
they see virtual constructs representing these individuals. The jury itself
is drawn from a pool of people who are in comas, cryogenic stasis, or are
otherwise unconscious– people who can be plugged in to the courtroom with
or without their consent. *Civil* takes place within one such virtual
reality simulation over the course of two civil court cases, with the
audience playing the role of the jury. Their choices will influence the
course of the two cases, leading to potentially different outcomes each
night of performance.

*Civil *opens Friday, March 4th, then runs Thursdays, Fridays, and
Saturdays through March 19th at the Mojo Theatre in SF's Mission District.
All performances begin at 8:00pm. Tickets are $20 online and at the door,
but if you can get together a group of about ten or so (or more!), I'll see
what we can do about getting you a group discount rate.

Let me know if you have any questions or would like to get a group
together: my e-mail is samctil...@gmail.com. You can also check out our
website (www.quantumdragon.org) or our Facebook page (
www.facebook.com/quantumdragontheatre) for more about who we are/ what we


PS. I originally founded QDT because, although I'm a theatre person, I'm a
sci-fi nerd first, and for whatever reason the genre of science-fiction is
sorely absent from the stage. My goal is to fix that, but part of that
quest involves showing the world that we nerds *will* see live theatre,
even in a world where Netflix and videogames compete for our attention, if
only someone presents plays that appeal to our interests. I think this is
one such play, and I hope that you'll be able to join me!
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