Meeting #1384 was called to order at 20:00

17 people present.

Mo read the minutes of 1383, and they were approved as:  All the news that's 
fit to web, plus Mo!

With the correction: The Heinlein novel was actually "Time for the Stars" (not 

Treasurer Report

Meeting #1383: 
Regular $1.50 / $15,035.34 
Party: $2.25 / $175.72

VP Report

Nothing fannish to report.

The President was absent. 

Committee Reports       

Adrienne meet-up has 500 members

20 tix to Barracudas, not for specific game, but GA vouchers at the Tank. 
Probably after Gallifrey. $9/ea.

Also, San Jose Giants Star Wars Night, Saturday, May 20th - 5pm. $39 each for 
the VIP deck (food, 2 drinks, &c...) We need a minimum of 25 people.


1: Dave Wallace: Trying to get Hugo Noms for Xin Ye & Lauri Ahonen. Added them 
to a Hugo Nom wiki: 

2: Carole: Retired 35 year old Eddie Bauer jacket. And has replaced it with one 
that is not the same color.

3: Adrienne: Gallifrey is in 2 Thursdays. She still has a spare tix, if someone 
is interested. Carole followed on with spotting a Doctor Who coloring book at 
Bed Bath & Beyond. Gerold: That weekend they will be at RadCon in Pascoe, WA.

4: Bradford: Reached a personal milestone in his comic book collection. Action 
#156. Now has 82 to the present (960?)

5: Dave C: (1) Eureka books posted link to proposed autograph bill. Not all we 
hoped, but should help book sellers. (2) ComicExcitement in LA. They hoped for 
20K attendees, but maybe only got 1K...

6: Bill: Hidden figures is Hugo eligible. 


Saw Dr. Strange. Delighted, well done and thought out. Tilda was spiffy as the 
ancient one. Loved the cookies. 
Saw Hidden Figures, really really well done. Can't recommend enough. 
New series called Emerald City - don't bother. Tries to make Oz edgy, turns 
every one glum. 
Jazzed by stranger things second season. 
Read books! American Gods - very good. Ian McShane will be good for the TV 
series. - DaveC - EmCit essay on IO9 called "Please Stop Remaking the Wizard of 
Jo Walton - "Just City" & "Philosopher Kings" basis in Plato's works. Give them 
a look if you have a classical philosophy bent. Book 3 will be "Necessity". 
Fred concurs after reading the first book. 
"Hell's House" by Richard Mathison.  The Legend of Hell House with Roddy 
McDowell was on the TV one night. Moldy oldies, but goodies.  DaveC followed on 
with concurs with Legend of Hell's House being good for it's time and budget.
Guilty pleasures: The final Underworld movie & the latest Resident Evil. Doubt 
they will be the final chapters. If you have liked these types of movies, 
you'll like them. Good for what they are. Wait to the end of the credits of 
Resident Evil.
Gerold: To get ready for MarsCon panel, rented the 1st season of the Expanse. 
No physics was harmed by the production. Astronomy was ok, except for taking 
ice to Ceres... Suspension of disbelief was in the storyline, not the science. 
If you like lots of mindless violence, this has it. Fast moving, fast paced. 
Worth the $20 for the DVD. Mo followed on. SyFi channel has a fist season recap 
with kittens!
Adrienne: There was a football game yesterday. Those cheatin' Pats won... Lady 
Gaga turned in a good performance. More politics in the commercials (liked the 
Skittles one). Dave follow on: 84 lumber commercial's unedited state was 
probably more pro-45. Bill: More political moment was the coin flip with GHWB. 
Gayle: Some rabid Pats fans don't like 45 by making donations to orgs for each 
Pats score.
Bill: Weekend before last went to ConFlikt in Seattle. GOH was Judi Miller - 
ASL interpretive dance accompanies other artists. Jeff and maya Bohnoff, 
interfilk was Mark Peters - who runs sound for other cons. Had a good time, 
plenty of good music. Didn't do as much as usual. Had a good time. Ran into at 
least half a dozen ex-BayArea fans. Going back next year.
Mo: Watched a lot of movies. 
Finding Dory - adorable.
First season of Colony: An invasion force has taken over. No hand holding, the 
aliens have a presence, but are not seen. FX series.
Carole: Saw the Sharks have a disappointing end to a game. Joined in on the 
"Refs you suck" chanting.

No auction...

Meeting adjourned at: 21:16 and the rumor of the week was:  If this goes on, 
revolt in 2100.

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