BASFA Meeting 1394
April 17, 2017
Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at the Black Bear Diner

Was called to order at 20:02

With 15 people in attendance.

A party jar was established.

Evil Kevin read the minutes of 1393, and were approved as: I guess that just 

Treasurer was not present

The VP had nothing fannish to report

The President was MIA with Secretary.

Committee Reports

Party: Next party is at Convolution, Saturday, October 7 at  San Ramon 
Marriott. There may be a BayCon party.

SJ Giants reminder:  Please make your payment if you have already expressed an 
interest in the Saturday, 20 May Star War Night.


There was a Con last weekend, Walker Stalker. He couldn't go as he was Lin call.
There is a convention this weekend. SVCC. There will be a World Con 76 table 
there. Help would be appreciated. if interested. Ken 
followed on that Gary Fischer will be there (Carrie's dog) and will be doing 
photo ops.

Fred: : Has links to free O Riley books. 

Atheus: Fathom's Rifftrax Samurai Cop rerunning tomorrow.


Spent weekend reviewing samples of Best Fancast Hugo finalists. Impressed with 
Tea and Jeopardy. Rageaholic goes below No Award.
Listening to Big Finnish dramas at work. Doom Coaltion 2 with River Song and 
Doctor #8! Fun listening.

Previous weekend went to ColossusCon in Pleasanton. Basic small gate con. Some 
interesting dealers. 501st was there. Admission is intentionally inexpensive.
Hugo Readings: Got the crap out of the way first: 
Alien Stripper, Bone from Behind by T Rex. Parody/Pastiche of Chuck Tingle. 
Came out stupid... Andy clarified that the author had no knowledge of Chuck 
Tingle, and she's just as baffled by the nomination (normally doesn't do Sci-Fi)
Too Like the Lightning: A Novel (Terra Ignota) by Ada Palmer. Extremely 
difficult to get in the beginning, almost put it down after the first 20 pages. 
Pseudo 18th Century prose (including the My dear reader info dumps). Has gotten 
better. Recommends.
Watched 7 episodes of Stranger Things. Really enjoyable.

The drought is over, we had an Easter with Doctor Who! Final season of Moffat 
and Capaldi. New companion is apparently ordinary (yay!) Plays off of Capaldi 
in 5 minutes, than Clara did. Had fun with the formula of companion 
introduction story. Kevin follows on: Bill is gay, and was done really nice and 
natural. Adrienne enjoyed the episode. Better than series 9. 

Saw new MST3K on Netflix. Some episode were too self aware, but still bonkers. 
FX and puppets have upgrades. Worth missing first day of a con.

We had auctions and the rumor of the week was: We'll have more people here next 

Meeting adjourned at: 21:02

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